About Us
Eizotopia is a family owned small business started by my husband and me in Columbus, Ohio. I have been in corporate America for over 15 years and have an extensive background at one of America’s Fortune 500 companies.
A few years back my mother was let go from her job at the hospital where she worked for over 30 years. She left the role behind with Fibromyalgia a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas, which has no known cure and can be lifelong. I was set on a mission and begin to read many books and endless nights of researching natural remedies for Chronic Pain with groundbreaking research and countless stories of people who found CBD products an alternative to prescription painkillers.
When Ohio legalized the use of CBD products, my husband and I decided to take a leap of faith and start our own business launching Eizotopia. Especially after learning about the long known health benefits of CBD. We have seen a need for CBD and hemp related products but were never able to introduce the benefits of CBD to the general population through the medical marijuana platform, due to strict regulations surrounding the medical marijuana industry.
We knew there was an immense need, as shown by the multitudes of entire families that were uprooting themselves to move to Colorado just for CBD products. With the introduction of Industrial hemp-derived CBD products, they can finally bring the health benefits of CBD to the masses! We partnered with a Colorado Springs business surrounded by lush mountains and nature to bring you the best CBD products on the market!
We love to here CBD success stores.
Email us at support@eizotopia.com